Joy, a Joplin resident who lost her home and most of her possessions in the tornado, expresses her appreciation to DRUSA and the IPHC for the help she received after the storm in 2011.


The mission of Disaster Relief USA (DRUSA) is to organize volunteer ministry teams to model the compassion of Jesus Christ by providing mass care to individuals and families devastated during times of disaster.

As men and women of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, we are scripturally and morally bound to provide a positive witness of the love of Jesus Christ to all mankind. One way the Lord calls us to demonstrate His love, is in the compassionate relief of disaster victims through efficient and prompt deployment of resources, time and talent. A coordinated and cooperative team effort can harness and focus the desires and energy of individuals into a productive, tailored and effective force for the Lord. Through planning and training Disaster Recovery Teams and auxiliary support teams can provide leadership, expertise and ministry in times of disaster.

Disaster Relief USA brings about a coordination and cooperation of desire and energy, resources, time and talent through the combined efforts of the Men’s Ministries and People to People Ministries of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.


Men’s Ministries is responsible for implementing the Disaster Relief program by following the DRUSA manual. The Men’s Ministries Director also serves as the National Disaster Relief Coordinator. A DRUSA Committee, consisting of a representative from Men’s Ministries, Women’s Ministries, Evangelism USA and Royal Rangers assist in providing planning for disaster relief efforts.

Funds for disaster relief efforts are raised through the People to People Ministries department. The funds are raised form the churches and Conferences of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. People to People Ministries track all receipts and all funds disbursed.

The Local Church and Disaster Relief

The DRUSA manual provides detailed guidelines for the operation of a successful disaster relief ministry at the Conference and local church level. Local churches are encouraged to appoint a local DRUSA representative. The North Carolina Men’s Ministries Director is the coordinator for disaster relief in the North Carolina Conference.

When Disaster Occurs

In the event of a disaster, the Conference Superintendent and Disaster Relief Coordinator of the effected area try to assess the scope of the damage and need. The effected Conference is expected to provide help and coordination to the relief effort where that is possible.

Neighboring Conferences are also asked to provide Disaster Recovery Teams and auxiliary teams to help in the recovery work. Responsibility for the operation rests with the target Conference.

When approved by the General Superintendent of the IPHC, People to People Ministries may authorize the National Disaster Relief Coordinator to cooperate with the Conference Superintendent in the affected Conference. Any long term relief effort will be coordinated through the People to People Ministries department who will publish the need and collect the resources from the IPHC.

Current Scope of Disaster Relief in the IPHC

DRUSA has and is providing relief aid as a result of the following needs:

Louisiana Floods – 2016
West Virginia Floods – 2016
Southern California Fires – 2016
For more information about DRUSA please contact:
Danny Harris, Men Ministries Director,  P.O. Box 59,  Falcon, NC 28342